
Hi my name is Josh Rizzo but I go by Young Guido or J.Riz.

I made this site so everyone can listen to all the music my friends and I have made.

This site has music we have made from 2009-Now. Old and new these songs are good, and we have put our hearts in to this music so I hope you all can injoy listening. We have had a great time making this music and we dont plan on stopping anytime soon.

I will update this site with new songs as they are made. You can find the newest songs on the home page.

If anyone wants to contact me send an e-mail to: youngguido@yahoo.com (click "E-Mail" at top of page)

If anyone makes beats let me know, if anyone wants to record let me know, if anyone has any questions or coments let me know, or whatever, just email me. (please no spam)

Thank You All For Listening! & Tell others about this site!


All the music I have done is recorded an edited on Garage Band, with a little $100 mic, but we make it work. Get us in a booth an its over!

*Free Music* - Listen for free! These songs are not being sold!

*Explicit Lyrics* - Parental Advisory!

We take credit for the lyrics, but most beats are reused. (the reused beats: we do not take credit for making them)

Website, logos, and other designs created by: Josh Rizzo.

Other Stuff:

In Rap, I go by:

J.Riz; Young Guido; Rizzy Ray; Simone Moses; Reggie; Zo; Lil Paesan (holla to my Paesanos); J (Jay); Rizzo; Riz Money; Jay Jizzle; Rizzy S. Baby (Rizzy Baby); Reggie Ray; Professor Swagington (self proclaimed)

Holla At:

EPC!! **




Logistics Baby!

GMM (G Double M) **

GarageBand Productions **


Crime Fam

Chili Boys

$GMR$ (old school) **






Gooney Tunes (new shit) **


** = I made up :)


YouTube: JSMRizzO

Facebook: YoungGuidoMusic


For real though a special thanks to all my family and friends who help with and support my music. I love you guys!

If I make it, you are all coming with me! :)

A special shout out to EPC


I am a very blessed person and I thank God for everything. :)

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

"God is Love" - "Jesus Saves" - "He died for me, I live for him."

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

Young Guido Music

This website is all about the music made by Young Guido (J.Riz) and other rappers as well.

If you like Hip-Hop or Rap music then you will love these songs!

We make all types of great music, so if you dont like one song then give the others a listen because you may love some. This muisc is very well spread with all different types of intensity.

*Free Music* - Listen for free! These songs are not being sold!

*Explicit Lyrics* - Parental Advisory!

All songs on this site are recorded and edited on GarageBand.

Thanks For Listening! & Tell Your Friends!